Collier County Public Schools Building & Trades Fair.
Date: Thursday, March 24, 2016
Place: Palmetto Ridge High School
1655 Victory Lane
Naples, FL 34120
Time: 9:00 AM-12:30 PM
Approximately 200-300 students from both Lely and Palmetto Ridge High School Construction and Carpentry academies will be in attendance to visit company display booths, participate in hands on demonstrations and activities, and increase their work-based learning skills through resume writing, informational and mock interviews. Participating students range in grade levels 9 through 12 and some juniors and seniors may be immediately available for On the Job Training (OJT), Internships (summer) or employment if they are graduating this May. Students are currently earning NCCER certifications and gaining valuable employability skills in class.
How can you get involved?
Companies and Contractors can participate in 2 ways, a display booth and/or a demonstration.
- Display booths will be set up for students to visit, receive information and talk to a representative about a company, job or skill. Table(s) will be provided for all display booths.
- Demonstrations can be either hands-on or not and students will rotate through different demonstrations. If applicable, the demonstration may be repeated multiple times for different students.
In order to register, please click on the following link and submit your form no later than Wednesday, March 2, 2016.